Melton Valley Golf Course in the Pro’s Eyes
Play the course like PGA Head Professional – Brad Howarth.

HOLE 1 – 285m (Men) & 244m (Women) – Par 4
Index 14 (Men)
Index 15 (Women)
It’s quite a tight tee shot off from the Blues with a dogleg to the right. Good chance to pick up an early birdie.
Off the Tee: Pick a club that hits around that 190-200m to leave full short club in.

HOLE 2 – 379m (Men) & 346m (Women) – Par 4
Index 2 (Men)
Index 1 (Women)
Quite a tough hole this one.
Off the Tee: Preferably right side with driver / 3 wood. Left is dead so, it’s a no-go zone.
2nd Shot: Interesting 2nd shot into the green where making sure you have enough club.
Green: Short to mid left of green will roll off. Par is a good score.
HOLE 3 – 477m (Men) & 433m (Women) – Par 5
Index 15 (Men)
Index 3 (Women)
Reachable Par 5, and definite birdie opportunity for the longer hitter.
Off the Tee: Drive is key here. Not great left or right off tee.
If in Fairway: Decision time to either go for it or lay-up. Be wary of water on left side of dogleg.

HOLE 4 – 361m (Men) & 311m (Women) – Par 4
Index 5 (Men)
Index 9 (Women)
Strong Par 4 here.
Off the Tee: Driver or 3 Wood preferably down right side of fairway.
2nd Shot: Left of the tree leaves tricky 2nd shot. Club selection is key with a short to mid iron in.
Green: Anything that hits front of green will spin back off.
HOLE 5 – 314m (Men) & 255m (Women) – Par 4
Index 8 (Men)
Index 12 (Women)
Short hole, dogleg to the left.
Off the Tee: Position off the tee is critical. Be wary of water that runs all the way down the left side. Safe play is to hit long iron/ hybrid off the tee to leave full short iron in for 2nd.
Green: Green that runs back to front, best bet is to leave ball below hole if possible.

HOLE 6 – 143m (Men) & 119m (Women) – Par 3
Index 18 (Men)
Index 3 (Women)
Rated easiest hole at Melton.
Off the Tee: Short to Mid iron into a relatively large green. Club selection is important due to green size. Traditional wind here is hitting into it.
HOLE 7 – 471m (Men) & 423m (Women) – Par 5
Index 13 (Men)
Index 8 (Women)
Off the Tee: Tee shot is key again here. Left/Right is no good. Opportunity to go for green in 2 for longer hitters but be aware of the valley in front. It’s all carry.
2nd Shot: Safe play is to lay up to leave full short iron in for 3rd shot.

HOLE 8 – 319m (Men) & 290m (Women) – Par 4
Index 7 (Men)
Index 10 (Women)
Short hole dogleg left.
Off the Tee: Safe play is tee shot down middle with either driver/3wood / hybrid to leave a full short club in for 2nd.
2nd Shot: To a slightly elevated green, club selection is important here.
HOLE 9 – 127m (Men) & 106m (Women) – Par 3
Index 17 (Men)
Index 17 (Women)
Pretty Par 3.
Off the Tee: Hitting over water off the Blue Tees with mid/ short iron. Tricky to see pin position here. Traditional wind here would be in from the right.

HOLE 10 – 338m (Men) & 322m (Women) – Par 4
Index 6 (Men)
Index 6 (Women)
Off the Tee: Slight fade here is ideal to leave mid/ short iron.
Green: Club selection critical here as the 2nd half of this green slopes severely to the right.
HOLE 11 – 455m (Men) & 430m (Women) – Par 5
Index 10 (Men)
Index 7 (Women)
Reachable Par 5 – dogleg right. Definite birdie opportunity for the longer hitter.
Off the Tee: Must hit fairway. Water all down right side and fairways slopes to the water. Driver/3 wood or even hybrid off the tee.

HOLE 12 – 186m (Men) & 138m (Women) – Par 3
Index 3 (Men)
Index 14 (Women)
Bring a bible and pray as this hole is BRUTAL!
Off the Tee: Long Par 3 off the Blues traditionally straight into wind. Water all down the right side.
Green: Take enough club and aim left side of green is the safe play.
Make a 3 you’re a champion, even a bogey 4 does the job.
HOLE 13 – 321m (Men) & 261m (Women) – Par 4
Index 1 (Men)
Index 5 (Women)
From the BRUTAL 12th, now to 13th that’s rated the hardest hole at Melton Valley.
Off the Tee: Not a long par 4 but again tee shot is key. Long iron/ Hybrid down the right side will give great angle in for 2nd.
- Beware: if you hit too far left it would leave you stuck behind trees, and too far right could possibly be Out of Bounds.

HOLE 14 – 148m (Men) & 120m (Women) – Par 3
Index 16 (Men)
Index 18 (Women)
Picturesque Par 3 that requires middle iron into green.
Off the Tee: You need to be pretty straight here as right/left and long is no good. Leave yourself above the hole can leave slippery downhill putt.
HOLE 15 – 369m (Men) & 333m (Women) – Par 4
Index 4 (Men)
Index 4 (Women)
Strong Par 4 and in my personal opinion, one of the trickier tee shots.
Off the Tee: Driver or Fairway wood that’s ideally hugging the left-hand side to leave mid/short iron in for 2nd shot. Anything right side of fairway will be blocked off by big trees.
Par 4 here is a good score.

HOLE 16 – 478m (Men) & 450m (Women) – Par 5
Index 11 (Men)
Index 2 (Women)
Strong Par 5 that plays a bit uphill and snakes from left to right after tee shot.
Off the Tee: A good tee shot with the option of cutting the corner would set you home for 2.
Green: That severely slopes from back to front. Keep below the hole.
HOLE 17 – 187m (Men) & 172m (Women) – Par 3
Index 12 (Men)
Index 13 (Women)
Longest Par 3 at Melton Valley.
Off the Tee: This hole plays a little downhill with traditional wind from left to right. Long Iron/Hybrid required here.
Green: This is a big green that slopes front to back and right to left. Your putting skills will be tested here.

HOLE 18 – 347m (Men) & 287m (Women) – Par 5
Index 9 (Men)
Index 11 (Women)
Solid Par 4 to finish.
Off the Tee: Slight dog left that requires Driver/ 3 wood off the tee.
2nd Shot: Traditional wind is into it here, so club selection is important for 2nd shot.
Green: This green slopes from back to front.
Melton Valley Golf Club
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